The Kids for Kids Intro is a literacy-based program for 2nd–3rd graders. It consists of eight in-depth sessions where kids explore what it means to help others and ourselves.
Each session is tailored around a different children’s book, such as Lubna and Pebble, Just Ask, or Strictly No Elephants. By centering our lessons around these stories, it allows us to have conversations with kids in a heartfelt and engaging way. Kids learn that everyone has their own story to tell, that their voices matter, and even little gestures can make a big difference. By reading and sharing, they build their curiosity, empathy, and desire to help others. We engage their critical thinking skills with games that enforce the ideas behind these lessons.
Studies show that kids develop a strong sense of right and wrong from an early age. By encouraging their naturally empathetic tendencies and desire for “fairness,” we encourage a deeper understanding of the problems they may encounter and how kids can help.