Dear Parent or Guardian,
Thank you for visiting The Giving Square! This organization was started by a group of parents, educators, non-profit leaders, and philanthropy professionals who cared about the universal parenting question of: “How can I raise a good, kind, generous kid?” If this is your question too, here are some resources for you!
Curious about how to engage kids in difficult conversations? Want to help kids connect more meaningfully to social issues? Want kids to be inspired by proximate role models? Listen to our kid-hosted podcast, Kids are Philanthropists, Too, on your own or as a family. Use the episodes as conversation starters. You can also check out our collaboration with Learning to Give which provides question prompts and other prompts for how to use the podcast to engage kids.
Bring our programs to your community.
Help bring the Kids for Kids Intro, Kids for Kids Fund, or the Service Learning Workshops to your community. Host a family philanthropy workshop for your neighborhood, school, or friends.
Check out The Giving Square Selects.
2023’s favorite books of the year, as selected by 2nd and 3rd graders in our Kids for Kids Intro program and a group of esteemed literature experts. Visit Politics & Prose during the upcoming Giving Season to check out their store displays!
Stay connected!
Want ideas and resources in real time? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and follow us on social media.
Donate to The Giving Square.
Help us spread our programs to more schools and communities by donating here.